Saturday, October 11, 2008

I wish...

... the X-Men were real and I was a member!

Of course, I have to be completely honest: in a comic book world, I think I would be a villain (one of those almost-a-good-guy villains, but a villain none-the-less).

In this world, where I have no super powers, I can keep my evil urges to burn stuff down in vengeance under check.

... actually, I just reminded myself of an Evil-Andrew moment... way back in First Grade. It was St. Patrick's day. Our class made St. Patrick's day shades out of green construction and transparency papers. I was standing behind a classmate who was getting a drink out of the drinking fountain.

It was just he and I in the hallway. I noticed his St. Patrick's day shades were rather loose. Evil-Andrew whispered, "If you push on the stem, right behind his ear, just the tiniest of bits, his shades will fall onto the drinking fountain and get all wet! Wouldn't that be funny?"

Good-Andrew didn't even have a chance to say anything... the glasses were wet, my classmate crying... and my teacher coming down the hall.

In fact, I don't think Good-Andrew was even around as there was no hesitation when Evil-Andrew explained to my teacher what 'happened' : "I saw his glasses slipping... I was just trying to save them from getting wet..."

(Evil-Andrew even managed to muster up some tears in my eyes, implying, "I can't believe you would think that sweet little Andrew Pankratz is capable of doing such a mean thing!")

Of course my teacher believed Evil-Andrew completely, and I remained the sweet, little, Andrew Pankratz in her eyes...

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