Monday, December 29, 2008

Out Damn'd Spot

Good news everybody: I think I've found a great match in the Ballroom partnering arena.

We are practically perfect, height-wise.

Her favorite dances are of the Rumba, Tango, Paso Doble variety. My favorite dances are of the Rumba, Tango, Paso Doble variety.

She needs a partner who is familiar with International Latin (as she isn't). I am most familiar with International Latin.

She needs a partner who isn't going to take the passion of the dance personally. I need a partner who isn't going to take the passion of the dance personally.

Excellent partnering, yes?

The last match is actually how we met. She was discussing such a need with a mutual friend of ours. She mentioned that her mom had told her to find a gay Ballroom partner. Mutual friend immediately thought of me! The referral was made, we met last Saturday, and the rest is future--yet to be seen, but a positive future, me-thinks.

It gets even better: I get to co-teach and choreograph for a small team. Sha. Zam.

... and it's all because I'm openly gay...

Life. Is. Good.


  1. Cool! Have fun dancing. That's something I've always wanted to do.

  2. If she likes marzipan then her judgment will be absolutely perfect.

  3. Sweet! I still want lessons for Scott and me, if you are willing. :)

    (And if Scott is willing. lol)

  4. Amanda - It's never too late to start dancing! Especially Ballroom.

    Alan - I'll have to find out.

    Sarah - Absolutely! ... If you wanted, you could even round up a few other couples in your area, and I could start up a little class.
