That I hurt
Would you hurt, too
Be it a prick
Or a wound that flows
The Nile
Would you wade with me
Through sorrow’s falls
Yet sail with me its gulfs
Or would you drink, instead,
The salted grief
That flows from me
As hurt
True love and compassion is more than just feeling sad when another person feels sad or feeling happy because another person feels happy.
True love and compassion is more than understanding why another person feels happy or sad.
True love and compassion is feeling sad for the exact same reasons another person feels sad; it is feeling happy for the exact same reasons another person feels happy.
It is sharing the emotions of the other person.
The opposite is taking another person's emotion and trying to make it your own, e.g.:
"You're happy because I made you happy."
"Your sorrow is making my life difficult."
"Your sorrow is my joy."
"Your joy is my sorrow."
In my experience, the last is the most difficult to bear as it takes a certain kind of haughtiness, one which feels especially cold and hollow, to pity someone else's joy.
That I joy
Would you joy, too
Be it a grin
Or a love that breaths
The Sky
Would you drift with me
Through mirth-y sighs
Yet fly with me its lofts
Or would you choke, instead,
The sweetened bliss
That breaths from me
As joy