Tuesday, April 22, 2008

But For Now

If you haven't read the comments of my last post, go read them before this post as this post is a continuation of the thoughts of the 2nd comment.

Straight up, I'm not one to "absolutely" believe anything. There is always room for change in my belief system.

Straight up, my belief system is not a strictly black-and-white definite "this is right, this is wrong."

Straight up [metaphorically], my belief system is not hard coded but affected greatly by an algorithm which, itself, is dynamic. (If you're not a geek you may not understand what I mean... and that's okay.)

I will, on a later date, express some [sincere] outputs of my algorithm without the intention of testing via reaction -- but simply to express the results of my belief.

But for now, let it suffice to say that I, in no way, believe "you are either for me or against me."

Admittedly, I find it very difficult to understand how people who respect me as much as they profess think I'm making as horrible of a mistake as they also profess. Quite frankly, I think one of the most respectable things about me is my sincerity just to know and do what is best (when I'm not feeling mischievous... I guess I should work on that, eh?). But, in my confusion, I do not believe those who profess I'm making a mistake are "against me" ... although, they do tend to make it difficult sometimes!

Actually, I recently expressed a sincere belief on another blog; I'll repost the thought here (please note, this is in parable form... there is SO much to be inferred from it):
When I was in school and it snew [sic] heavily, I would always hope for a
snow day… but that didn’t stop me from doing my homework and going to bed on
time. To apply the same analogy to my current decisions — and perhaps avoid
being a hypocrite: there were times when I needed a day off from school
— for example, I often had strep throat before I got my tonsils removed; when
contagious, such is not an appropriate condition to attend school — and I would
therefore miss school. Now, a snow day would have been ideal — as it would have
meant no homework or catching up — but ... a strep-stricken kid has to do what a
strep-stricken kid has to do: miss school and hope the teacher will allow him to
catch up when better.

... [E]ven if I am wrong about the eternal aspect of things, I believe
Christ at least covered for the temporal “sick day” (that He’ll let me do the
work to catch up in the next life [or whenever I ‘get better’])...

This is a sincere part of my hope and faith... and, again, there are some hefty nuances (I know, I know, 'hefty nuance' is oxymoronic) in there that are not fleshed out, but I will one day flesh them out.

But for now, please note that my sincere beliefs are not made pertaining to any relationship other than the one between God and me; nobody else.


  1. I never did get around to responding to your snow day analogy. Actually, I did write a comment, but then I deleted it because I thought you wouldn't like it. :-) I'll try to be less indelicate this time around.

    The trick is, we are not unmoved by our choices and experiences. That there's an atonement that allows for such change in the future is wonderful. But, our time line can forever change along with our opportunities and our chances for certain other blessings when we play any particular issue from both sides. At least, I have experiences that bear such a notion out. And the scriptures seem pretty clear that this life is the time to get the job done rather than waiting for the next life. I don't know whether you believe that scripture or not. But it's not a trivial thing.

  2. L,

    I think you are missing the concept I am presenting (or trying to present) with the snow day analogy.

    My next post will hopefully clarify the concept. Please stay tuned.
