It does make sense. I very strongly remember times in my youth when I needed my parents but they were busy taking care of the needs of my other million siblings. Hell, read through my blog the past few months, and you'll see examples of how what I need from my parents aren't met because of their religious beliefs.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
More Disorder?
It does make sense. I very strongly remember times in my youth when I needed my parents but they were busy taking care of the needs of my other million siblings. Hell, read through my blog the past few months, and you'll see examples of how what I need from my parents aren't met because of their religious beliefs.
Good News & Bad News
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
And I'm being faced with a horribly difficult decision right now.
Please throw some magic powder my way if you have any. I could use it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I’ve been having rather intense nightmares lately—nightmares where my parents and I are screaming at each other.
I obviously have a lot of pent up frustration and anxieties about my relationship with them.
I’m having a difficult time truly feeling loved by them, at least in the way they say. Their love for me feels so… cheap sometimes. I don’t feel like I belong to them anymore, like I’m their son.
I feel pushed away and abandoned.
I feel like closing the door and walking away. With my newfound financial independency I’m having to really fight against that temptation.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I am now officially employed by a company that can pay me a regular salary!
I’m both excited and terrified—for the same reason: it feels like life-life is beginning.
That is to say that I feel a stronger sense of responsibility for my future now. Before it was just, “Let’s make it to the next crappy day.”
Now, however, it feels like I finally have a future to start preparing for.
Before it was, “Meh, I have the money in my account, and it’s shiny; I’ll buy it!”
Now it’s, “Hmm… I don’t know, I should probably put that money away for something more important.”
It’s an interesting feeling, both thrilling and terrifying, both enhungering [sic] and nauseating.
It’s a new experience that I hope I’m ready to take on.